2020 Cambridge Particle Meeting
The meeting was held on Friday, 19th June.
Schedule of Presentations
PDF downloads of the schedule of talks and abstracts are available here:
YouTube Playlist
Presentation recordings can be viewed via the YouTube playlist below or the individual links in the Presentation Downloads section.
Note: Click the list button in the top right corner of the video to view the full playlist.
Presentation Downloads
Where permission has been received from authors/their institutions, PDF copies of presentations may be downloaded:
- Marc Stettler, Imperial College London Mitigating the climate forcing of aircraft contrails by small-scale diversionsPresentation recording (via YouTube)
- George Biskos, Delft University of Technology Characterisation and testing of miniaturised aerosol instruments for use onboard Unmanned Aerial Vehicle platformsPresentation recording (via YouTube)
- Markus Bainschab, Graz University of Technology Particle Number Concentration Measurements during Periodic Technical Inspections: Assessments of Fleet Emission Reduction and the Influence of Particle Size DistributionsPresentation recording (via YouTube)
- Stephen Wright, Johnson Matthey A study of the formation of volatile particulate emitted at a high speed on a Euro 6 dieselPresentation recording (via YouTube)
- David Walker, Cambustion Ltd. CPMA mass and mobility distribution measurements with direct measurement of the aerosol charge statePresentation recording (via YouTube)
- James Allen, University of Manchester Optical parameters of controlled combustion particles using the Aerodynamic Aerosol ClassifierPresentation recording (via YouTube)
- Jon Andersson, Ricardo Sources and magnitude of sub-23nm non-volatile exhaust particle number emissions from the H2020 DownToTen ProgrammePresentation recording (via YouTube)
- Tom Grimble, Dyson Technology Ltd Low Cost Sensor Networks for Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Indoor Air QualityPresentation recording (via YouTube)
- Randy vander Wal, Penn State nvPM Decadal Length Scales: Dependence on Biofuel Blend Level in a Gas Turbine EnginePresentation recording (via YouTube)
- Kimberly Bowal, University of Cambridge Surface properties of heterogeneous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon clustersPresentation recording (via YouTube)
- David Kittleson, University of Minnesota Ash particle emissions from a lean burn GDI enginePresentation recording (via YouTube)
- Alla Zelenyuk, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Real-Time Characterization of Exhaust Particulate Matter on the Individual Particle LevelPresentation recording (via YouTube)
- Jason Olfert, University of Alberta A comparison of mainstream marijuana and tobacco smokePresentation recording (via YouTube)
- Steven Rogak, University of British Columbia The External Mixing Hypothesis for soot structure: supporting evidence and where it leads.Presentation recording (via YouTube)